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How To Make Blade On Little Alchemy 2

Blade Creation in Little Alchemy: A Comprehensive Guide

From Humble Beginnings to Sharp Precision

Embarking on a journey to forge a blade in Little Alchemy can be a thrilling endeavor. This guide will unveil the secrets behind creating this formidable weapon, guiding you from humble starting items to the final sharpness.

Crafting the Foundation

Commence your endeavor by combining "Stone" and "Water". The resulting "Clay" will serve as the rudimentary form of your blade. To enhance its sturdiness, amalgamate "Clay" with "Fire", yielding "Pottery".

Sharpening the Edge

Next, introduce the element of "Metal". Combining "Pottery" with "Metal" produces "Knife Blade". This rudimentary blade holds potential but requires further refinement.

To achieve a razor-sharp edge, merge "Knife Blade" with "Whetstone". The resulting "Blade" will be the pinnacle of your craftsmanship, capable of slicing through the most formidable foes.
